God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, Jaweh, Ganesha, Creator or what ever name your Divine Energy has, they all created us the same. Born as children of the Universe, pure beings of love as brothers and sisters. That is the intention to be and our reason to be here. To develop our Higher Self inside ourselves and towards each other. To shine our birth light and to be humble at the same time. If we don't understand this yet that is okay, that is why we're offered a life to live, and time to find out what we are really made of. It is all about the everlasting scales of living and loving, look at how in nature all is interwoven with each other. It just is and they do what the Divine world intended them to be!
A flower, a rock, a turtle, a fish, a tree, a bee ... They are all so intertwinkeled in their existence in a respectful balance and know when to share. We people fight sometimes within our-self and against each other, who we truly are because of fear or self doubt. We believe sometimes that other people are better or more beautiful or whatever it is with what we keep our minds so occupied and distracted from the real reasons we are created for. To develop our full potential!
When we people make it sometimes so difficult for ourselves that is where everything goes wrong, we can be our worst tormentor. That is when we start to feel sad, depressed or lonely or cold and angry and disconnected from our true self. We all should keep feeling the love we are gifted with at birth and nourish it as our biggest treasure. Just imagine for a a while that we have all kept our innocence and still being able to share this, our true core. We would all be in such a happy place, so would be our world.
Feeling a healthy balance inside of us as we all should feel. If only... And love and respect ourselves and each other...We then could stop making boundaries and borders and separation and feel that we are all together. Stop disconnecting yourself, connect again within and so we automatically connect with others and so reconnected to our beautiful world. The One we all live in together...
When are we ready for this, why is it still not really excepted to just be kind to yourself and others? When most of our youth is still learning that "nice is stupid" and that being nice "is being a softy" or "not cool" where will this end, maybe in the beginning?
Kind in dutch means child, pronunciation sounds like kindred spirits...
How ever you see life, we do need love and respect to live...
Universal Love
We are nothing without it
Until we can feel
and understand
That we are
made of
Excerpt of work process 369: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis. Quote: Pina Lazara
When are we ready for this, why is it still not really excepted to just be kind to yourself and others? When most of our youth is still learning that "nice is stupid" and that being nice "is being a softy" or "not cool" where will this end, maybe in the beginning?
Kind in dutch means child, pronunciation sounds like kindred spirits...
How ever you see life, we do need love and respect to live...
Universal Love
We are nothing without it
Until we can feel
and understand
That we are
made of
Excerpt of work process 369: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis. Quote: Pina Lazara
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