My story could be your story and your story could be mine.
It is also for those who want to re-discover what they are truly made of: LOVE.
The answer is not in the writing but in the resonance of the words that may awaken your dormant warrior spirit. I have learned through my healing work that reaching out in a loving simple way brings about miracles. The story is also about why and how I came to Ireland.
This book can help the reader find the healer within.
It is also for those who want to re-discover what they are truly made of: LOVE.
The answer is not in the writing but in the resonance of the words that may awaken your dormant warrior spirit. I have learned through my healing work that reaching out in a loving simple way brings about miracles. The story is also about why and how I came to Ireland.
This book can help the reader find the healer within.

This review is from: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis: It's about time-369-It figures (Kindle Edition)
Whilst moving through a very difficult phase of my own journey, I have found great healing in these pages. A thought provoking read, and a few very wise answers to questions I was sparring with. The honesty of the journey. The compassion and respect shown towards the lessons engaged. I feel inspired by this wise souls journey. Certainly a book I will be keeping near so as to reflect some more on its contents. Highly recommended...
This review is from: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis: It's about time-369-It figures (Kindle Edition)
Pina takes us on a wild trip across dimensions baring her soul and sharing her life story.
With a mix of autobiographical memories and the weaving of dreams, universal truths are offered that remind us of our journey. We are encouraged to trust in Life, walk the walk and talk the talk - do that which we need to do. In so doing we can then, in turn, encourage others to travel along their own path.
This review is from: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis: It's about time-369-It figures (Kindle Edition)
I really did enjoy this book. I liked that it is more than one story. It jumps nicely between worlds in a way that you just find yourself carried away. Well done to the author and thank you for sharing.
This review is from: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis: It's about time-369-It figures (Kindle Edition)
Each of us will encounter millions of people in our lifetime. We need to be wide awake so we can be ready at all times to connect with everyone. We can do so much more than seems possible if we follow the lessons learned in this book. You should see life through her eyes.
Like this one: BEST BOOKS ONLINE
" Dear Pina, I've read your book and find it very brave of you to have written it all down. I see it like a therapeutic book, a manual, and complementary to your work. It is easy to understand and I think it is very useful for people who are dealing with these kind of matters ". TG. Sallt Hill.
Dear Pina: I was so moved to read your book.
You're sharing your experiences so openly and are such a brave soul.
Hi Pina. How fab and well earned! Your book has given me and a lot of other people great courage and direction towards all problems and obstacles which arise in ones life. MC
We need more people like Pina who have dedicated their life towards helping others heal. Her book will be an inspiration to a lot of people and many of them would walk on the path of Spiritual healing.
"Dear Pina
Thank You so much for the words in the overviews you've send me.
They help me a lot. I'm trying to bring them into practice,
in combination with what I read in your (awesome) book,
I feel that a new beginning is slowly starting.
I want you to know that your book helps me tremendously.
It feels like many of the passages in your book
are applicable to me. I am really grateful to you for that. MC
"Hoi Pina. Wat goed van je boek en zeker verdiend. Het boek heeft mij en heel veel andere mensen kracht en richting gegeven bij alle problemen en obstakels die in ieders leven ontstaan. Liefs MC "
Dear Pina,
I am in the process of reading your book and wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING!!!! I am struck by your vulnerability. Not in talking about the abuse but in sharing all your channeled messages and all your guides. I am reading a little each morning as it is a lot for me to digest. I’ve decided that I need to reread it as there is so much rich material and I feel that I need to reread to get it all. On my walk this am I was thinking about what I wanted to say to you and decided that you are a trail blazer in this work, your book details such raw material so special and deep. I must tell you that it makes me cry, it must be the power of the spirits coming thru. You and your words are powerful and special and I don’t even know what to say. I am honored and humbled to know you and to have experienced your healing. Love to you, Marie ~November 8th~Hi again, Intimacy that is the word, you share such intimacy with your messages, it just struck me, needed to share.
I am in the process of reading your book and wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING!!!! I am struck by your vulnerability. Not in talking about the abuse but in sharing all your channeled messages and all your guides. I am reading a little each morning as it is a lot for me to digest. I’ve decided that I need to reread it as there is so much rich material and I feel that I need to reread to get it all. On my walk this am I was thinking about what I wanted to say to you and decided that you are a trail blazer in this work, your book details such raw material so special and deep. I must tell you that it makes me cry, it must be the power of the spirits coming thru. You and your words are powerful and special and I don’t even know what to say. I am honored and humbled to know you and to have experienced your healing. Love to you, Marie ~November 8th~Hi again, Intimacy that is the word, you share such intimacy with your messages, it just struck me, needed to share.
I've just finished your book and I have tabs all over to go over so much good stuff!!! Will use it with my spiritual group and will of course use your name attached to all that you say, will ask permission to use on my website with your name attached. Such wisdom!!! such courage!!! Marie. ~ November 14th
I wrote a poem last week after having a session with spirit medium Pina Lazara and author of
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis. My homework was 'Letting Go' :-)
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis. My homework was 'Letting Go' :-)
I loved Pina’s book. I admire her courage for writing it even though she wasn’t sure how it would be received or what people would think of her. It gives me the courage to pursue my own book. I really liked the sense of timelessness where life events are interwoven with dream-like stories.
My favorite bit was about the beluga whales and as I read it, I could just feel myself drawn in that magical world and I was in the sea moving up and down in the swell. Pina writes openly and honestly from her heart and I found I couldn’t put the book down. I read most of it in an afternoon.
My favorite bit was about the beluga whales and as I read it, I could just feel myself drawn in that magical world and I was in the sea moving up and down in the swell. Pina writes openly and honestly from her heart and I found I couldn’t put the book down. I read most of it in an afternoon.
" Pina, I'm here in spirit with you. So enjoyed the read. It is wonderful to see how the same truths are playing out in the detail of all of us in our unique lives. Such a joy to see the light and love you are choosing to pass on from the challenges that have been faced and turned into wisdom." -x M
Dear Pina,What a beautiful impressive book! When I started reading I couldn’t put it down. So many parts in the book have touched me in so many different ways. The story about Lara was very moving, tears rolling down my face. That moment when you have to let go of a beloved one is one of the most intimate moments in a relationship.
Being able to write that down and share something this personal, takes courage and makes you vulnerable. Talking about getting out of your comfort zone; respect! Then there were the parts when Andre started talking to you. I found myself chuckling at times, what a lovely person. His wisdom must have been very special to you.Sometimes I felt I was walking into a magical world which surprised me time after time. I understand now where your love for Saluki’s comes from️
My favorite part of the book was your conversation with the young autistic boy in the bar, it triggered some personal emotions. To be honest it gave me goose bumps and it is still on my mind. I will read the book a second time, this time bit by bit to let everything sink in. All the advise you give in the book is helpful for anyone who reads it.
I, for one, cannot wait for your next book to come out. Love Ann
Also available @Irish Libraries, see link below
My dearest Pina,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all,I would love to know where to buy your book and delighted that you have published it. I met you a few times in west cork Skibreen market, and you had left a big impression in my soul [heart] I kept your card but somehow life got in my way. I had a lot of work to do over the past few years on myself, [understanding the wounds of my childhood trauma] before I could start the healing process, and for this reason I thought it would be best to walk my own path alone for this work. I'm so happy to have come across your card again and so happy for you Pina that your book is now ready to purchase. Today I have reached out to you, and in doing so I am blessed to have come across a beautiful spirited woman who is doing her spiritual work on earth, to facilitate all who comes you'r way... may the light shine upon you Pina!!!! Catherine
Dearest Catherine! How wonderful to hear from you. May the light keep shining upon you too! I miss Skibb market! Give my love to all who miss me too. Delighted you will read my book. I hope it will support you in your healing journey. Gra, Pina. You can purchase the book at this link