Friday, 17 January 2025


This 14th January 2025, I woke up with these words below. I like to share them with you. As a cancerian surviving this very positive yet intense Full Wolf Moon in Cancer πŸ˜‰, it doesn't only amazes me that I received these words, but even more so because it's almost on the exact day, that 27 years ago, I did my first healing session. This was in the back kitchen of Nell and Julia Levis's bar. 

They are both long gone, but forever in my heart. 

'You are a being of love and light

You are here to shine your bright light

To share and serve other people

When others try to keep you small,

It is up to you to not allow them!'

My aura/light body


Moi 1998





Years ago when a 4 year young son of an Irish friend returned home from his first school day, I asked him if he'd fun and what his first thing was what he had learned. 'Sharing is caring' auntie P.' 😊

A business is nothing without the support behind it,
so hereby I like to give you my deepest thanks
and sincere gratitude to every single person that 
has allowed me to be a part of their healing journey!
With love, Pina

Sunday, 12 January 2025


The Wolf Moon carries profound significance in astrology and spirituality. This full moon asks us to listen to our inner voice, trust our instincts, and confront our deepest fears. It’s a time to break free from past patterns and step into new possibilities. Here are some key themes associated with the Wolf Moon:

The Meaning and Significance: Wolf Moon

  1. Self-reflection: The Wolf Moon encourages deep introspection. It is a powerful time to look within, assess your current state, and align your goals with your true desires.

  2. New Beginnings: With the new year in full swing, the Wolf Moon provides the perfect energy for fresh starts. Let go of what no longer serves you and make room for new growth and transformation.

  3. Personal Strength: Wolves are known for their strength, courage, and resilience. The Wolf Moon can help you tap into your own inner power, helping you face challenges with confidence.

  4. Releasing Fear: The full moon’s illuminating light reveals hidden fears and insecurities. The Wolf Moon asks you to confront these fears, release them, and move forward without hesitation.

  5. Spiritual Awareness: The Wolf Moon enhances spiritual awareness, encouraging you to connect with your higher self, the universe, or your spiritual practice. It’s a time for deeper insights and growth.



Saturday, 11 January 2025

1-eleven portal 2025

'God/Creator; what is your dream for me? 

                            I am open to what the dream of my creation is for me.'

                                                                                          Source: Oprah Winfrey πŸ’–

'All is well. Everything is working for my highest good. 

                                               Out of this situation only good will come.'

                                                                                         I am safe: Quote; Louise Hay πŸ’–

Thursday, 9 January 2025


 The most asked question to me over and over again is,Do you get tired from your work"?

Labour with love is bliss. Love is what really matters. Love flows. 
People are waiting to be recognized as real people. 
Dr Gladys McGarey.

My immediate response is a big smile, a happy heart, and an instant answer: 'No, it doesn't.' 

During every session I channel so much spiritual love that I don't feel tired when working. I can start at 9 am and suddenly it's the end of the day. Yes of course, my legs or back can feel tired, but my spirit is always still happily soaring at the end of a workday. The results, responses and feedback of the people about their sessions make me so happy. So no, my work doesn't make me tired. 

Like I suggest everyone to take good care of themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I try to do the same as possible. I do my best to make sure I rest sufficient the day before I work and the day after. For this particular reason I don't work every day, so I stay healthy and happy whilst working my love purpose.

The energies I work with and that the person feels during a session are not mine. I am the conduit where the spiritual energies pass through. Before I start I do my special meditation, grounding and protection exercises. When fully protected I invite all the benevolent spirits for the people who are coming for a healing session that day. I ask them to assist and guide me, to keep me healthy and happy. To give the person who comes for a session the healing they need and can process. 

The diversity of the people I meet for sessions is just so amazing, therefore I really love every sessions. As I wrote in my book, I never know who's coming through the door or what we're going to work on until the person is on the plinth. My work is very alive and every session is as much a surprise to me as the person who's on the table. We just go with the flow given to us. I'm also not taking on anyone emotions when working. I protect myself fully, in this way I stay a clear channel for healing.

I can honestly say that I have such a blessed and varied life! I'm an inspirer, channel for healing, percussionist, writer and an inventor. I keep my immune system super high with vitamins and minerals. I'm 65, I don't need any medication. I'm in great health! So lucky that I've lived for 22 years next to the Atlantic Ocean. Now I live 5 min walk away from de Nord Sea.

So if anyone asks me if my work makes me tired? My answer will always be NO! How can it when i'm a channel for healing? It makes me extremely happy! It's my reason for living! My reason for living is loving! How amazing is that!!! I've come a long way! πŸ˜Š

Through my work I've learned that self love is the best cure for all things!!! I've finally stopped the life of approval. It took a while, but hey, better late then never! Thank You all for keeping on searching and finding your true self! Never give up on your-self! We're all a part of the puzzle called life! Px

I wrote a book about it:
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis
Liefde is de Essentie van de Zielen Cocon


Monday, 6 January 2025


'Wauw Pina, wat was dit een sessie. Er is zoveel los gekomen in het weekend. Pffff' πŸ™

'Het is een van mijn beste beslissingen geweest om een afspraak met jou te maken.' 😁 P.G


Wow Pina, what a session this was. So much letting go during the weekend. Pffff' πŸ™

'It was one of my best decisions to make an appointment with you πŸ˜P.G


Dear P.G. I'm so happy to hear that the session had the outcome we've wanted it to have!

To let go takes love for oneself. The more we love and accept ourselves, the more 

present we can be! I'm super proud of You! Thanks for sharing! Sharing is caring! Px

To "let go" does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can't do it for someone else.

To "let go" is not to cut myself off,
it's the realization I can't control another.

To "let go" is not to enable,
but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To "let go" is to admit powerlessness,
which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To "let go" is not to try to change or blame another,
it's to make the most of myself.

To "let go" is not to care for,
but to care about.

To "let go" is not to fix,
but to be supportive.

To "let go" is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.

To "let go" is not to be in the middle arranging the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their own destinies.

To "let go" is not to be protective,
it's to permit another to face reality.

To "let go" is not to deny,
but to accept.

To "let go" it not to nag, scold or argue,
but instead to search out my own shortcomings, and correct them.

To "let go" is not to adjust everything to my desires
but to take each day as it comes,
and cherish myself in it.

To "let go" is not to criticize and regulate anybody
but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To "let go" is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.

To "let go" is to fear less,
and love more.

Copyrights 1997

Excerpt from the book;
Thoughts from the dream poet: volume 1


Be who you truly are and love yourself first and foremost. 
Do not be afraid to be true to yourself and your chosen path. 

Sunday, 5 January 2025



Do you dare to lay down to enjoy the healing journey that's about to unfold? 
Pina integrates earth & higher energies with the heart as intermedium. You receive natural wisdom with a dose of humour especially tuned into your intention. Author: N.E

1: Dear Pina, words fail me to describe the wonder-full experience 
I was allowed to share with you.  It still fills me. Thank You. Until we meet again!

                                2: You blew my mind away! I loved every minute of it!

                            3: Your healing has completely changed my way of thinking, 

                                   and opened different ways of looking at life.

                                                      4: I feel alive again!

                                                        5: Powerful stuff! 

                                           17-12-2023: 150.000 views on this blog today!

                                              That's an average of 16.700 people a year

                                                   Thank You all for visiting! πŸ’–Px

                                                       First post April 17th 2014




                                                                 Thank You 

                                                                 all for still

