Thursday 17 October 2024

3 πŸ’–πŸ’› πŸ’œ FREQUENCIES TO πŸ’–πŸ’› πŸ’œ

When I have a session with Pina, it always feels like a coming home. Even when I haven't been with her for months. My system knows: "At Pina's it's good." I am safe with her and I can let go of my defense mechanisms. I can also learn to be myself with her. P.K

Hi Pina. Thank You so much for your session. it was absolutely cosmic! I was laughing all the way home. It was lovely to meet you. Much love, Bx

I'm just so blessed and grateful to have been guided to you and the beautiful assistance your giving to humanity at this time. Looking forward to the next session.

Tuesday 15 October 2024


The Hunter's Moon, the biggest supermoon of 2024, is set to rise on October 17. This supermoon is special, as it will be the closest moon to Earth this year. We’ll discuss the cosmic events happening this month, including two comets and the significance of the Hunter's Moon's name. Learn about the history behind full moon names and when to catch the best views. Join us for insights on this astronomical phenomenon. For more info


     My view 15-10-20024

Friday 4 October 2024


Hey dear Pina, I really want to express my gratitude to you today. I feel that since I have known you, and after only 2 sessions, and 1 distance session, my whole life is changing. Both the outside and my inner world. You are a beautiful, loving person. And I feel your warmth very deeply, even when you are not there. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🧑 2-10-2024

WoW BW!!!! To read this does my heart a world of good! And thank you for sharing this with me, so I can share this with other people who need to read this as well! I am very happy that you found me and that I - and your very loving spirit guide - could be of help to you!!! But as I said before, you do most of the work! You're a very brave young woman, and I'm so proud of you! Px

Everyone who already knows Pina Lazara knows that a healing
 session with her can make big changes in your life! 
If you know of anybody who could use a pick-me-up, 
forward her contact details 😊

Hi Pina. It feels like a heavy coat 
has fallen of me after the session!
Thank You! L.T

Tuesday 1 October 2024


To play Sound Bath Meditation with Pleiadian Music, click on the watch on You-Tube link πŸ™ 

Sunday 29 September 2024


     Te-Rinzen and I have noticed that our Mountain Sisters, are crying more then ever before. They cry for their Mother Earth, Father Sky and many of their devastated children, who are in great danger. Through the evolved crying of the Mountains the everlasting water twilight zone is steadily rising to a worrisome flood level. The fluctuating melt waters have become the most invasive reality of our planet during this century. 

Excerpt of book: Only visiting this Planet

                          RE-POST OCTOBER 2014

Monday 23 September 2024


                                          WoW, I found this song back, I've played life with in 
                                          1984 at my first theatre performance πŸ›’πŸ₯πŸͺ˜ever!

I am still very grateful that Ganalle introduced Rose to me, and I’m grateful to myself that I accepted that gift. Both actions totally changed the course of my life.In Rose’s world there were more wild young women like herself, who all danced in crazy circles like zazaas. In the middle of their circle they held a beautiful young buck gazelle captive. He tried to escape the circle many times with his amazingly high and gracious leaps. During his attempts to escape they laughed at him and told him that his efforts were not good enough. He had to learn to leap higher and higher. One day Rose laughed so loudly that it broke the spell of the circle and the gazelle could finally break free. As this was happening I played so loudly on my drums that I drew attention to myself. 

Excerpt page 71;  Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis 

Before that I've played in a new wave band 
early 80'  called; Tanz um die Ecke. 

                                                      In the 80' I also did gigs with my bro 
                                          Here we play at our local pub Cafe Weltschmerz
                                                        Amsterdam on the Lindegracht
                                                or we played on the streets of Amsterdam

After that I performed with more theater & modern dance groups in Amsterdam. I don't remember them all but at Theater/Dance Group Aya I performed in Brug der Zuchten and Rilling. Rilling was about the death and dying of my partner Hilde/ Lara in the book of my life.
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis.

After a music scout found me, I joined Stalker Australian Stilt Walkers, 
and some other Europian theatre companies. 


More and more people joined us. I made a lot of noise with my drums and one day a theatre agent noticed me playing in a dance performance. She put me into contact with some stilt walkers who were looking for someone to accompany them. They worked all over the world. Together they created moving stories consisting of six creatures. The three main characters were the two queens, Mede and Rage. Then there was King Leon. I became character number six.

The art of King Leon and his two queens was that they had the ability to perform as one entity. This was especially noticeable when they laughed. When they cried, you could see them being ripped apart. Another creature, number four, took care of the cheerful notes. When he blew on his saxophone, the notes flew up into the sky and this glued their story back together. 

As a Heron he could hop around from one stalk to another. The fifth character was Rua, who drifted dangerously around each of us with his big drums. He created so much noise that he was like a raging drunkard, but he was able to walk freely. I loved making a loud noise beside him, because we sounded good and loud together.   Excerpt page 76; Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis

😁This post became must longer as was my original idea, only to write about Yello en ZaZa danst😁

Thursday 19 September 2024


πŸ™πŸ»  "lieve Mensen... Ik kwam bij Pina doordat een lieve vriendin mijn zei," ga naar Pina toe!!"

Ik heb al heel lang schouder/nek problemen en mijn fysio vertelde mij dat het schouderkapsel van mijn schouder er niet goed in zit. Dat gaf mij problemen met mijn linker arm optillen en om mijn kleding aan te doen. Ik wilde ook heel graag weten waarom. Fysio hoe goed ook, bleef maar oefeningen geven en die verergerde alles. Ik was echt in een soort van paniek. 

Ik belde Pina op, dat was heel spannend voor mij. Pina stelde mij met al haar warmte meteen op mijn gemak. Ik werd ook direct blij!! Op naar Pina en op haar massagetafel, en door haar goede zorgen werd ik meteen op mijn gemak gebracht. Zoveel zorg healing van Pina gekregen. 

Ik heb veel gehuild en veel gelachen tegerlijkertijd πŸ’ž Echt het voelde zo goed en vertrouwt zooo bijzonder!! Mijn arm was al direct veel beter en na de tweede afspraak Amazing🌞🌞🌞🌞  Ik kon weer gewoon mijn jas aan doen. En zoveel echte warmte en liefde en lachen bij Pina  πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»  

Ik zeg iedereen naar Pina toe asap!!! She is amazing en gezellig en zo goed voor de mensen  πŸ™πŸ»❤️❤️ !! Heb direct mijn Fysio verteld," yeahhhh jaja het is zo bijzonder. Pina kreeg meer voor elkaar dan hoe goed ook de fysio. En daar ben ik zoo blij en dankbaar voor!!! Een lieve Groet Bertie. Hoop Pina dat dit  je blog verblijdt ieder woord 1000 x meer gemeend❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻."

Lieve Bertie, wat een schat van een mens ben je! Ik ben zo blij dat je pijn zo snel verminderd is en je weer lekker je ding kan doen!!! Nog 1 sessie en dan ben je weer helemaal goed! Ik zie je gauw. Dank je voor al je lieve woorden! Daar word ik ook helemaal blij van! Jij maakt mij ook aan het lachen. Liefs Pina

Google translate 

❤️ RE-POST JULY 2022 ❤️ 

Friday 13 September 2024



                                                                                I'M A WORK IN PROGRESS πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–


Embrace yourself like you would welcome your best friend.

                                            Have a wonderful day with your beautiful/beauty-full self! Why not?😊

Re-post April 2022

Sunday 25 August 2024


   POST NUMBER 1.111

I love it when I'm in synchronicity with the universe!
 I was setting up this post and when looking 
at the clock there it was,11.11 am.


Monday 19 August 2024


                                      ASTROLOGICAL MEANING OF AUGUST FULL MOON:

The lunation is in Aquarius, a sign focused on on humanitarianism, community-driven activities, and group dynamics. With Mercury retrograde in Leo and Uranus in Taurus aspecting the super blue moon, many miscommunications and surprises will be revealed. Try to listen and then respond to ensure you aren’t missing any information and are not reacting from an emotional place. For more info, click on the link below. Enjoy da moon! 🐺🐺🐺 

Saturday 20 July 2024


                     Full Moon in Capricorn

This month’s Capricorn Full Moon happens on the 29ΒΊ degree and conjunct with Pluto at 0ΒΊ of Aquarius. This lunation marks the culmination of a journey of psychological and emotional transformation and facilitates revelations and insights about structural changes that need to be made in our inner and outer lives. During a collective and personal time of transition, we are required to gain awareness of how we need to mature and get better at discerning what is our responsibility and what isn’t. The Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto invites us to release defense mechanisms, layers of protection, and unconscious strategies we employ to indirectly have our needs met. 

πŸŽ‰Try to focus on your dreams, and trust in the divine process
 no matter what the universe brings you πŸŽ‰

Some people asked me if I've been a skinhead, or I've been recovering from an illness.
 I haven't been a skinhead, or ill. I'd shaved off my hear because I was in deep mourning.

                        Thanks darling Wimmie! Best B day card from your serie so far!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜šπŸ’–

Sunday 7 July 2024


 #manifestation #astrologyThis is a meditation for the July 7/7 portal. It is also during the New Moon in Cancer. In this meditation we will connect with the 7/7 portal and the amplifying energy o

Saturday 8 June 2024


 The most asked question to me over and over again is,Do you get tired from your work"?

Labour with love is bliss. Love is what really matters. Love flows. 
People are waiting to be recognized as real people. 
Dr Gladys McGarey.

My immediate response is a big smile, a happy heart, and an instant answer: 'No, it doesn't.' 

During every session I channel/experience such overwhelming feelings of spiritual love that I don't feel tired when working. I can start at 9 am and suddenly it's the end of the day. Yes of course, I can feel tired because I've been standing all day, but my spirit is always happily soaring at the end of a workday. The results, responses and feedback of the people about their sessions make me so happy. So no, my work doesn't make me tired. 

Like I suggest everyone to take good care of themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I try to the same as possible. I do my best to make sure I rest sufficient the day before I work and the day after. For this particular reason I don't work every day, so I stay healthy and happy whilst working my love purpose.

The energies I work with and that the person feels during a session are not mine. I receive the energies from the spiritual world. I am the conduit where the energies pass through. Before I start I do my special meditation, grounding and protection exercises. When fully protected I invite all the benevolent spirits for the people who are coming for a healing session that day. I ask them to assist and guide me, to keep me healthy and happy. To give the person who comes for a session the healing they need and can process. 

The diversity of the people I meet for sessions is just so amazing, therefore I really love every sessions. As I wrote in my book, I never know who's coming through the door or what we're going to work on until the person is on the plinth. My work is very alive and every session is as much a surprise to me as the person who's on the table. We just go with the flow given to us. I'm also not taking on anyone emotions when working. I protect myself fully, in this way I stay a clear channel for healing.

I can honestly say that I have such a blessed and varied life! I'm an inspirer, channel for healing, percussionist, writer and an inventor. I keep my immune system super high with vitamins and minerals. I'm 64, I don't have any medication. I'm in great health! So lucky that I've lived for 22 years next to the Atlantic Ocean. Now I live 5 min walk away from de Nord Sea.

So if anyone asks me if my work makes me tired? My answer will always be NO! How can it when i'm a channel for healing? It makes me extremely happy! It's my reason for living! My reason for living is loving! How amazing is that!!! I've come a long way! πŸ˜Š

Through my work I've learned that self love is the best cure for all things!!! I've finally stopped the life of approval. It took a while, but hey, better late then never! Thank You all for keeping on searching and finding your true self! Never give up on your-self! We're all a part of the puzzle called life! Px

I wrote a book about it:
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis
Liefde is de Essentie van de Zielen Cocon

Friday 31 May 2024


Pina. All I can say is WOW! 

After the 1 session I felt a huge energy shift in my hips, this has helped me to stand stronger, even my balance has improved. My upper back, shoulders and neck seem to have had a great weight lifted from them and I feel much lighter. I slept so much better. My life has changed since that session/I met you, in a very good way. Thank you so much, R.

A treatment with Pina is a sensation in itself. 
It is an inner journey that releases 
special sensations in both the body and the brain.
Highly recommended. W.F

Tuesday 19 March 2024


Please click on the links below or scan QR code for all info. 


   I've just purchased your Medi-Wings and can’t wait to get them.
I've tried Alice's set and I loved them!!! ML
What a simple and clever idea.
I for one have that problem when lying on a treatment table.

                             I AM IN LOVE πŸ₯° says Aimee Scalon Irish Acupuncturist

One of the long standing issues I've had in here over the years is how to needle some of the acupuncture points on the inside of a clients arm and have them rest their arm in a comfortable manner (and not knock needles out...).

I was DELIGHTED to discover that the solution had finally been created- I've never made an impulse purchase as quickly as this one!! I'm only on Day 2 of using the #apinna #mediwings and already I can see that these are a GAMER CHANGER. No more clumsy rolled up towels or awkwardly positioned stools! Feedback has been fantastic from everyone I've used them with so far.

If you're an acupuncturist, you need these. If you're one of my clients, I've probably mentioned this exact problem to you many-a-time and am looking forward to introducing you all to my newest love!!

What an excellent idea - truly, a wonderful product. NR

Nicole Masters Licensed Acupuncturist, San Francisco, CA

'Upon first impression of the Medi-Wing apparatus, I love the shape and clean white colour. It's slim and easy to use. It is such an improvement for me to use over the hap hazard use of chairs and treatment pillows to support my patients limbs. It is much more professional to slide Medi-Wings in place and move forward with ease. 

It is addressing a real concern and safety issue I had with a patient falling asleep while the acupuncture needles were in place and I left the room. If a limb fell off the table and it would wake the patient in an undesirable way and possibly lead to a bruise at the needle site. My patients are happy with the Medi-Wings support system, it feels natural & unobtrusive'

                                                           ANIU TRIBAL QUOTE

I purchased my APinna for my personal use during my sacral cranial sessions. It has made such a difference to the treatment as I can feel my shoulders open up when using my "wings", and the session has been much more beneficial. It also enables you to move your arms and shoulders as you wish, with no disturbance which is great  for this therapy. I forgot to bring them on my last visit , and both myself and the therapist noticed the difference, my shoulders did not relax and heal as well as they do with the APinna. Can wholeheartedly recommend! J.W.

Hi there. I LOVE this APinna product. I was googling ways to make my massage table more comfortable. I couldn't find anything! I just looked and found your page after about an hour. I am moving into a clinic space with 4 treatment rooms and I'd like to buy a set for each room. 

My patients really enjoy the flexibility with different positions that these give them. It's important to me that my patients are as comfortable as possible and these are just wonderful. In fact, my patients and I loved my first set so much, I just ordered 3 more for every room in my clinic. 

There's nothing else out there like these! HIGHLY recommended. 

Thank you Pina for creating this amazing product!!!

Dr. Crystal Ford, DACM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac., Oregon US Deschutes Acupuncture 

Thank You for having taken the time to read this page, Pina

Wednesday 21 February 2024


I've started blogging here at the beginning of 2014, before that I've been blogging on Wordpress for at least another 8 years πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³I loved writing every post, but it takes away my focus of finishing my 2nd/3rd book. Translating, editing and publishing Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis took nearly 1 yearπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ I have also deleted both my FaceBook and Twitter business accounts. See homepage for the few sites  which are very much alive 😊

    As one of my New Years resolutions, 

                       I'll love you but leave you for a while, as they say in Ireland, 

      πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³to finish writing and getting; Only Visiting this Planet, edited and published. 

                                                          I'll better get crackingπŸ˜…

With love from the Wild Atlantic Way: Baltimore

Please scroll away at ViaPina, if you like. There is 10 years of posts to be read/re-read πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

2023 was a great year for me, I hope it was a great year for you tooπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

or you've started some new exciting endavours/works in progress πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

Thank You for visiting ViaPina online for the last 18 yearsπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

I'm looking forward to what 2024 has in store πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

I will however update my monthly schedule  πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

I wish you again a wonderful & magical NYπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

Gra mor & much love to all πŸ’–Px