Thank You Pina for everything. 
                                I've felt awesome after the 2nd session. You've changed my life for ever! 

When I have a session with Pina, it always feels like a coming home, even when I haven't been with her for months. My system knows: "At Pina's it's good." I am safe with her and I can let go of my defense mechanisms. I can also learn to be myself with her.

Hey dear Pina, I really want to express my gratitude to you today. I feel that since I have known you, and after only 2 sessions, and now after 1 distance session, my whole life is changing. Both the outside and my inner world. You are a beautiful, loving person. And I feel your warmth very deeply, even when you are not there. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🧑BW

Hi Pina. It feels like a heavy coat has fallen of me after the session! Thank You!  L.T
Everyone who already knows Pina Lazara knows that a healing session with her can make big changes in your life! If you know of anybody who could use a pick-me-up, forward her contact details. S. Haarlem

Hi Pina. All I can say is WOW! 
After the 1 session I felt a huge energy shift in my hips, this has helped me to stand stronger, even my balance has improved. My upper back, shoulders and neck seem to have had a great weight lifted from them and I feel much lighter. I slept so much better. My life has changed since I met you, in a very good way. Thank you so much, R.

A treatment with Pina is a sensation on itself. It's an inner journey that releases special sensations in both the body and the brain. Highly recommended... F. W

Hi Pina. Thank You so much for your session. It was absolutely cosmic! I was laughing all the way home. it was so lovely to meet you. Much love, Bx

Blue Monday? Not after a session with Pina. She's brilliant! Try it! When I leave I am happy and working on my issues. Thanks P! You are an extraordinary healer and person.  A x

Dear Pina,
I've actually felt a lot of difference since I was at your 1 session. I’m stunned how much my energy stays with me and how I don't project myself into other peoples energy-fields these days. Thank you for your help! F.A

I felt everything flowing & moving. Every once in a while, it was as if I was flying,
or lying in the water or floating in the air . DGx

I'm just so blessed and so grateful to have been guided to you and the beautiful assistance your giving to humanity at this time. Looking forward to the next session. 

Wauw, that was a very special experience! A true eye opener, even with my eyes closed. LS
"I would recommend Pina anytime, feel so much better (and more connected) after her treatment. L.S

During a healing session with Pina I experienced a large, wide, and light space opening up in the room, above and around me. This space looked like an opening to another dimension. It consisted of white light and felt filled with healing presence. Being in this space was an honor and a joy. It was deeply relaxing. And it was easy to "let go" and fully surrender to the healing. Thank you Pina! 

Pina is a force of nature that goes through you in such a natural way. She's like a powerful breeze rustling the leaves on a tree. It's such a special feeling, hard to put into words. πŸŒ΄πŸŒ΄πŸŒ³πŸ’¨πŸ€☘️

"Pina creates the conditions, the space/the safety so real changes kan take place. 
It's simply a fact!" 
If you have been looking for help and have just stumbled across Pina, Congratulations, you're about to be helped! You might be wondering if you should go to her or not, but afterwards you will only ask yourself why you haven't gone sooner. At the same time, I think you're only supposed to find her when you really need her...She says she's "a spiritual healer", and I have asked her why she doesn't just call herself a healer, because that is what she does. 

She heals you. She said that it is because her healing energies come from the spirit world, and it's not really her doing the healing. But to me that is what happens. She heals me. Both my soul and my body. It's a wonderful thing. Afterwards, it feels like you have been to a wonderful spa. You feel rested and relaxed and in a lot less pain. As I told a friend, you don't have to "believe" in anything for it to work. 

It will work. But you have to be a bit open to otherworldly things. Pina does a lot of strange things that you for sure have not experienced anywhere else. It will be a lot of bird sounds and chirping, and she will literally blow life into you. But just go with it, and I promise it will be worth your while.

Personally, I have chronic pain and the diagnosis fibromyalgia, so I go to her regularly and when I can. The way she removes pain is nothing short of a miracle. In fact, I have experienced some real miracles on her bench. Like when the intense foot pain that I had for 3 years just disappeared into thin air, never to return. Well, I didn't just disappear, very strong powers were at work that came and took it away, but I will not tell you about the details. 

You should go and experience this for yourself. Miracles happen all the time, as Pina says. So just go for it, you won't regret it. This woman is worth her weight in gold. She has real and special powers! I love her much and plenty, and I can truly say that she has changed my life for the better. I just wish everybody could go to her, the world would be a much better place. Namaste. πŸ’ž 7-5-2023 A.N
It is nearly impossible to discribe but this woman is so enormously connected with something big that she keeps surprising me in every session with what it brings about within me. She's a combination between a shaman, a channeler and a healer. Herself doesn't want to know anything of those names: Pina says: 'I just support people healing themselves.'

I wish you a wonderful new year Pina, keep doing the good you are doing to so many people! B.L

Pina, what a happy egg! I was surprised the first time I saw her. I thought a healer would be serious and airy fairy, but Pina is cheerful, funny, straight to the point and very special. The sessions were super full on. As if she could think and feel what I felt and thought. Oh boy, oh boy, so much changes have happened since I've met her! I may finally/ allow myself to/ discover who I really am! My life of playfulness and exploring has begun, and I've started it together with Pina. What a collaboration. The sessions are comfortable, re-assuring, relaxing, but also "kinda crazy" and fun. Maybe this a vague description? Maybe, try for yourself and experience it. MOB

It is hard to describe Pina's work, but it is definitely a truly holistic approach which is based on the full body treatment. While lying on the massage table, I felt a very deep relaxation and at the same time I was filled by energy. The treatment itself is a pleasant experience, which requires literally no effort, one just needs to relax and move the way the body suggests itself. Within a single hour a lot changed in the way I feel emotionally and the way feel my body as well. 

After even one single treatment, I got significant improvement in my condition which was barely improving after taking medications or physiotherapy. Also, as a positive by-product, my digestion improved, and my back feels more relaxed. In addition to that, it improved my emotional state and overall level of energy for getting things done. I also got rid of some emotional burden associated with the symptoms and the disease itself. After a few more sessions, I feel almost healthy, which is very impressive given that the disorder is almost 15 years old. AZ


You make all this kind of sounds then you blow on my arms and knees, then I feel warm through my whole body. Then you hold my hip and knee and I start to softly shake and to relax at the same time! Then I'm suddenly asleep without me knowing and suddenly I wake up again! How do you do that?' 12 year young boy: 

The same boy had been to me for 2 sessions at the age of 9, which he can't really remember. After his first session he wanted to come back every week, so his mother asked him what he liked so much about me. He answered with,' she's sweet, good with words, makes great sounds AND she makes me feel calm.'  'Oke, she said, 'that's good enough for me.' 

Thank you! Thank you good evening Pina. 
A huge gratitude to you for giving me healing this day.

I hope a lot of people will find you. There are so many that need you, and they don't even know it! Thank you for being you. πŸ’

I feel your treatment with my hips was miraculous and has supported my back and well being.
I am ever grateful for your support. Many thanks V.

Dear Pina. I can still feel the benefits from the session. You're doing beautiful and important work. Pina is a very kind person, feisty and gentle all together in one. As a healer she connects with you perfectly. She uses your body energy, the music and your words to help you in the way that suits you. She's helped me enormously. I have let go more with her in 1 session than I've ever done in any other way.πŸ™✨ KN.

Hi Pina, thank you! Last night in bed I noticed that there was little/no pain in my knees. Particularly in my right knee as that is the sore knee in general! Weird but such a great result after just on session. JS

Loved your session. Feel so much better now. 

"Pina never cease to amaze. She is an incredible person, infectiosly happy, positive and underneath a strong and powerful healer. I have had a numerous number of  treatments with her, all of which had a positive and subconscious effect on me and my psyche and my inner me. Pina's healing ability is undeniable and time and time again I tell everyone I know to try her magic...It works on all levels, for every type of person and for each of their problems." L.T; West Cork.

"Dear Pina
Thank You so much for the words in the overviews you send me.
They help me a lot. I'm trying to bring them into practice,
in combination with what I read in your (awesome) book,
I feel that a new beginning is slowly starting.
I want you to know that your book helps me tremendously.
It feels like many of the passages in your book
are applicable to me. I am really grateful to you for that. MB


Immigration has many challenges and leaves you with a host of very mixed emotions. That, along with arriving in your new country at the onset of Corona and immediate lock downs is mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. I knew I had to find something to help my mind body and soul cope with it all. 

     I have always been a fan of alternative therapy or healing and was absolutely delighted when I was referred to Pina, a super gifted spiritual healer. From the minute we met it felt as though she completely understood why I was there.

     Her sessions are so totally relaxing i felt as though I had to peel myself off the massage table afterwards,  I didn't want to leave! In that short space of time she somehow taught me how to make peace with all the new changes we had to face, and I felt filled with optimism, joy and renewed passion for the exciting time that lay ahead.

     Although Pina does not do a physical massage, I felt more relaxed than a full day spa! Her method is more of a body stress release, releasing all stagnant aches and pains in the body stored through emotional trauma we all endure on a daily basis. 

I highly recommend this form of therapy. Once you meet Pina you will understand for yourself. Be good to yourself, book a session.       BR - Expat in Amsterdam -

HI Pina, I don't think I have told you you explicitly how much of an impact you have made on my life & how you were the original catalyst of change. I am forever grateful! Pina is the best.  😊 F O'Leary

You can write my words unto your blog, so hopefully when people read my words
it will inspire them to come and have a session with you. That would be great! Thanks again, A x

It’s such a pity that you had to cancel Galway, your sessions have been amazing for me, I feel so much better. Would love to see you again any time you come over here.

Last week I wrote a poem after having a session with spirit medium PIna Lazara and author of  Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis.  My homework was 'Letting Go' :-)

I loved Pina’s book. I admire her courage for writing it even though she wasn’t sure how it would be received or what people would think of her.  It gives me the courage to pursue my own book.
I really liked the sense of timelessness where life events are interwoven with dream-like stories.  My favorite bit was about the beluga whales and as I read it, I could just feel myself drawn in that magical world and I was in the sea moving up and down in the swell. Pina writes openly and honestly from her heart and I found I couldn’t put the book down.  I read most of it in an afternoon.

" I had an amazing healing with Pina on Saturday in Skibbereen. She was highly recommended by a friend, my friend said she was a shaman and we left it at that. When I was lying on the the table Pina told me she was a spirit medium which was cool with me. I told her I want to get let go of emotional stuff but didn't know how, saying that made me cry. She began to touch different points on my palms and arms.. whistling at times and making noises as if calling an animal. Next thing all the hairs on her arms stood up and she said what about your father? I said he's dead and she said I know he's here. So here I am crying and feeling like I'm releasing loads and my dad is here. She described him perfectly and then I thought of my grandma right before Pina said my grandmother was there. It was truly a magical experience it has given me a connection to my deceased loved ones whom I tend to forget about. She continued to touch points around my body, cleared me with feathers and smudged me with sage. I highly recommend this lady, I feel like something has shifted something that was unearthed throughout another experience before...

Pina, healer and loving soul of the highest degree, and “Irish”. I was healed of a reoccurring Carpal T Syndrome in one Session. It was Gone and Never came back! Beyond Magic! Bless you PiΓ±a. D.G
HHi Pina! Your encouraging smile is giving hope to us all!
YYou’re a star, a star that will burn brightly for ever and ever and ever, Amen.
IHi,Pina! Thank you for being here...I underwent healing sessions with Pina on and off for a number of years and they were unlike anything else I have ever experienced.

! Pina, what a beautiful blog! Fab testimonials altogether... I concur entire I always come away from a session enlightened and lighter! Lovely to meet ye in Lidl. My very best regards...
HHi Pina, you know who I am and now I know who you are. What you’re doing is great, you are near the angels.
W What you love and doing it, that is your real soul outfit, a perfect fit, schnazzy as can be. Bx
PPina is an absolute angel! She helped me change my life and learn to love myself. She’s a star! MC
Wow! Pina Lazara, you are one amazing woman and I consider myself blessed to have met you.

Pina has to be experienced to be believed. Nobody can tell you to what to expect, and I imagine that every experience is very individual. I would encourage everyone to meet Pina and see what she can do for you. Come with no expectations or judgement and you will find the same.                                             
Pina is an angel sent to teach us love. She has helped me to understand the power within. Believe in angels. 

Thank you Pina for helping me to be myself and live according to my hearts desires. Dear Pina, words fail me to describe the wonder-full experience I was allowed to share with you.  It fills me still...Thank You...! Until we meet again. I feel alive again!

You blew my mind away! I loved every minute of it!

Your healing has completely changed my way of thinking, and opened different ways of looking at life.

I just want to let you know that the herb is really helping me. It gives me the stillness that I long for. Powerful stuff! 

I feel much better inside and more peaceful, I need to to do less from myself.
This is because of your healing session, so I'd like another one please.

"You're a wonderful healer Pina".

"Pina is good."

"It was incredible and I'm still feeling the wonderful positivity even now."

click on this link if you like to read the children sessions testimonials 

Hi Pina. I want to you to thank you so much for our session last month. That was pretty crazy, hey?! It's the wildest thing I've ever experienced, I think. It was so great getting that pain out of my body! It's still gone and feels like the foot is finally healing properly. I've told my chiropractor and she said, "if anyone is stubborn enough to heal that way, it would be you, haha".  I'm not sure how large my role in it was, but it sure was powerful! AM x

"Thank-you Pina so much for the healing. The benefits of just my first session, have been profound, yet subtle.  Profound in that I have found my voice! A situation arose this week where I had to stand up for myself.  I challenged it! I would not have done this before!  I have begun to laugh again! Wow! Amazed at this!"  M.C

Dear Pina. Thanks again for the sessions. It was a very special experience. 
I feel like a different person, so much lighter and there is peace. Mx

"Dear special beauty-full Pina.
I too wish you all the beauty and magic for the new year!
And that through your gift a lot of people will regain
their strength to continue to live a life
filled with love and positivity.
So many people need that extra push
to feel their own strength again.
I've made a lot of steps towards this myself.
And to stay true to my own feelings,
and to express them, I also 
motivate others to do the same.
Fear is a bad teacher.
I can never thank you enough for helping me,
to rediscover my self-love power.
And now I can also share my own love again into the world." K.L

To let go!
I'm running around for weeks and sometimes like a chicken without a head. Even I have to  sometimes let go of the tension in my head and body. Pina helps me with this. It's difficult to explain what she does, but one thing I know for certain, it does ME well! Pina uses her hands to heal and helps me to let go of stress, tension, and oppressed emotions. She's a lovely person, and it's nice that I can release, relax and recharge with her. 

We need more people like Pina who have dedicated their life towards helping others heal. Her book will be an inspiration to a lot of people and many of them would walk on the path of Spiritual healing.

Pina: the room where you work at is very atmospheric, has beautiful colors and lovely sounds on the background πŸ‘Œ Because of all that I feel straight away very welcome and relaxed. Whilst I'm laying so comfortably I can allow myself, through your touch and special work method, to relax completely. Because of this total relaxation I kind of arrive in another state of being. I really like what you're doing.

I don't have to take care of others for a while or to be the strong woman and mother, I don't have to do anything and are being taken care of by you with full attention πŸ™ I keep my eyes closed to be able to feel better what's happening to my body and mind. I feel pure bliss and the release of tension!

As part of the session I'm getting tucked in at the end with a warm soft blanket to relax after for a little while, so wonderful. Afterwards I feel lighter, a little high πŸ€— even and very very good. Thank you for this beneficence. I will definitely return and recommend everyone to experience this because the effects of a treatment speak for themselves πŸ‘Œ

I think Pina's sessions are amazing and really calming, she makes really soothing sounds. Every time I go to her I always feel so much better and more at peace. Pina is such a nice person, and now also a great friend. She is a very caring person and always offers to help. I love spending time with her. MJ 11 years

I'm so glad I've met Pina!! She’s like an angel sent on my path to help me finish off this final stage of my healing journey, straight into my freedom.  She is the real deal for real.

Here are a few testimonials from the distance sessions I do as well.

Hello Pina. Thank You.
The overview is very helpful. 
During the session I felt very soothed and relaxed.
But I might have drifted off for a while,πŸ™ƒ

Hi Pina. I've felt a lot of energy
My pain has definitely been alleviated considerably.
My neck still feels stiff, it will need some more time.
Very grateful for your session.

I always have sessions with Pina when she still lived in Ireland and have been doing for number of years however at times when I feel I really need Treatment or Healing or something like that Pina is not available anymore to see me in person I book her for distance healing and I just lay down and we play music at the same time that she does the healing and I can honestly say is it every bit as good as doing it in person and you really do feel energy shifting and moving and definitely positive results afterwards.. and I have also have gotten her to do distance healing sessions for my children and they don’t even need to know but they do feel that something has happened and they feel the energy shifting as well  .. it’s amazing that it can work like this, but it really does  .. I would highly highly recommend her.  Looking forward to having my Next in person session with her when she is back in Ireland one day. ..  Jessie

"Pina’s healing is unique. I have not experienced anything like it before or since. 
Through very difficult times, it is like a shelter for the soul."

I thank everybody for all your wonderful feedback/testimonials.
                               They are heartfelt! Gra Pina

All appointments by appointments only: 😊

For appointment @de Roos, please bring a towel and come 5 min earlier 
before your session so you can wash your hands or use the facilities.

If you want/need to cancel your session I ask you hereby kindly to let me know on time.
When cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, the reserved time will not be charged.

Just as it would be at a doctor, dentist, massage and physio therapy, etc appointment.
I'm a 1 woman self-employed business. Thank you for your understanding, Pina. 

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