Card from L.L.C

L. L. C

My ongoing journey with Pina began one year ago when we met and spoke at the gym! I needed the gym for my arthritis and I marvelled at Pina’s agility. We got talking and she offered me a free healing session! I had never experienced a medium, spiritual healer and immediately I thought why not with great anticipation! What an amazing journey we have been on since! 

My first session with her was amazingly strange and so full of wonder and when she connected with my family who have passed. I got such peace and comfort! My following encounters are so hard to explain, how I felt in words to do them justice! Each session was different and unique, some emotional or more funny, the cold feeling in parts of my body when she was working on me and then at other sessions the warm glow!
I have got such relief and yet my whole emotional journey is unraveling through my bones!

I also know that I have more shite to get rid of and I have to face why I am stubborn about holding on to the past, especially the fears and feelings I don’t need!!! My love of myself is sitting easier and I now know that I am beauty-full. Thanks to Pina I am letting go of my need to be needed, caring for others and allow others take care of me! 

My need for sessions are less frequent as having been told by Pina that my healing is within me and I have to work on myself! Pina is unique and so hard to describe her healing sessions to people as some would say she's cracked! Bizarre and definitely when you hear her whistles and guttural sounds during her work and healing!

She's bubbly gifted and has a way with words that’s amazing! She is a truly spiritual being with the gift of healing.    Mary xxx


Dear people... 

I got to Pina because a dear friend had said: go to Pina!"

For a long time, I'm having shoulder & nek problems, and my physio told me that my shouldercapsule wasn't sitting in properly. This gave me problems with lifting up my left arm, and to put on my clothing. I also wanted to know why I have this..The physiotherapist, how ever good he was, kept giving me excercises that only made it worse. I was sort of in a state of panic.

I called Pina, which was already very excting for me. Pina straight away, with her warmth, made me feel at ease. I felt happy straight away!! Up to Pina and her massage table, and again through her good care I instantly felt comfortable. I'd received so much care and healing from Pina

I cried and laughed simultaneously πŸ’ž Really, it felt so good and safe and soooo special!! My arm felt instantly much better, and after the 2nd session amazing 🌞🌞🌞🌞 I could just put my coat on again. So much real warmth and love and laughter with Pina πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»  

I say to everyone, please go to Pina!!! 

          She is amazing, warmhearted and so good for people πŸ™πŸ»❤️❤️

I straight away told my physio, yeahhhh, yes, yes, it's so special. Pina got more done than, how ever good the physio was,... I am so happy and grateful for that!!! 

With love Bertie. Pina I hope that my words may bring joy to your blog. Every word a 1000 fold ❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻 


Pina is a force of nature that goes through you in such a natural way. She's like a powerful breeze rustling the leaves on a tree. It's such a special feeling, so hard to put into words. πŸŒ΄πŸŒ΄πŸŒ³πŸ’¨πŸ€☘️

These are 2 separate reviews from Bertie πŸ˜Š 



It is nearly impossible to discribe but this woman is so enormously connected with something big that she keeps surprising me in every session with what it brings about within me. She's a combination between a shaman, a channeler and a healer. Herself doesn't want to know anything of those names: Pina says: 'I just support people healing themselves.' A.N


If you have been looking for help and have just stumbled across Pina, congratulations, you're about to be helped! You might be wondering if you should go to her or not, but afterwards you will only ask yourself why you haven't gone sooner. At the same time, I think you're only supposed to find her when you really need her...

She says she's "a born spiritual healer", and I have asked her why she doesn't just call herself a healer, because that is what she does. She heals you. She said that it is because her powers come from the spirit world, and it's not really healing that she does. But to me that is what happens. She heals me. Both my soul and my body. It's a wonderful thing. Afterwards, it feels like you have been to a wonderful spa. You feel rested and relaxed and in a lot less pain.

As I told a friend, you don't have to "believe" in anything for it to work. It will work. But you have to be a bit open to otherworldly things. Pina does a lot of strange things that you for sure have not experienced anywhere else. It will be a lot of bird sounds and chirping, and she will literally blow life into you. But just go with it, and I promise it will be worth your while.

Personally, I have chronic pain and the diagnosis fibromyalgia, so I go to her regularly and when I can. The way she removes pain is nothing short of a miracle. In fact, I have experienced some real miracles on her bench. Like when the intense foot pain that I had for 3 years just disappeared into thin air, never to return. Well, I didn't just disappear, very strong powers were at work that came and took it away, 

but I will not tell you about the details. You should go and experience this for yourself. Miracles happen all the time, as Pina says. So just go for it, you won't regret it. This woman is worth her weight in gold. She has real and special powers! I love her much and plenty, and I can truly say that she has changed my life for the better. I just wish everybody could go to her, the world would be a much better place. Namaste. πŸ’ž A.N   7-5-2023


Photo by Pina: 3-9-2023: View from the bus from Broek in Waterland to Amsterdam

During a healing session with Pina I experienced a large, wide, and light space opening up in the room, above and around me. This space looked like an opening to another dimension. It consisted of white light and felt filled with healing presence. Being in this space was an honor and a joy.  It was deeply relaxing. And it was easy to "let go" and fully surrender to the healing. Thank you Pina! 7-10-2023


Pina, what a happy egg! I was surprised the first time I saw her. I thought a healer would be serious and airy fairy, but Pina is cheerful, funny, straight to the point and very special. The sessions were super full on. As if she could think and feel what I felt and thought. Oh boy, oh boy, so much changes have happened since I've met her! I may finally/ allow myself to/ discover who I really am! My life of playfulness and exploring has begun, and I've started it together with Pina. What a collaboration. The sessions are comfortable, re-assuring, relaxing, but also "kinda crazy" and fun. Maybe this a vague description? Maybe, try for yourself and experience it.


Dearest Mary, Bertie, LiLy, Frans, A.N and E.F...! Wow, what an amazing testimonials to read! They all make my spirit soar! Thank You all so much for sharing! Sharing is caring. It makes me very happy to hear that you've all made positive changes to your life! And also inspiring for other people to read. I wish you all the happiness you so deserve! 

- I have full permission to post these testimonials.- Pina x

If you like to read more about my work and to see if I can be of any

assistence in your healing journey then click on the links below:




For appointments @ DNYS in Amsterdam please bring a towel and come atleast 10 min earlier before your session so you can wash your hands or use the facilities. πŸ™πŸ«Ά

If you want/need to cancel your session I ask you hereby respectfully to let me know on time. When cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, the reserved time will not be charged.

Just as it would be at a doctor, dentist, massage and physio therapy, etc appointment.
I'm a 1 woman self-employed business. Thank you for your understanding, Pina. 

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