The soul zephyr is fast like a boundless glide. It is made out of all possible
emotions and twinkles with all the wonders to see. Never close the eyes of your
heart when you travel that road. Don’t even hold on to anything, just feel the breeze
caressing you. There is only one journey and that is to follow the guidance from everyday life.
See where the next bend leads you. When anger, pain or fear come along,
you will shrink again and could encounter even tougher lessons. It may be that you
still have not learned the lessons of your previous life. When these emotions leave
you, you will have learned again. Next time, look for the gentler lessons of love. That
road is so much smoother and feels more rewarding.
Excerpt from page 29, kindle version & page 38, paper back version of:
Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis
For all children of the Universe
Every day should hold the same urgency
While following all directions
Feel what you do and do what you feel
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