Sunday, 28 April 2019


As a result of the news that Natasha was to undergo an operation, her mother and grandmother came over to nurse her during her recovery. You can imagine the joy of her family and their reaction to the good news that she didn't need an operation. They wanted to meet and thank me, and that was a very happy meeting. After a few days I received a call asking me to have a look at Natasha’s grandmother’s eyes while she was visiting.

They told me that her eyes were fast deteriorating. This would, of course, be a natural occurrence at her age, but even so we met and we did a session together. Working as a medium is channelling spiritual love energy. It seldom happens that I receive so much spiritual love for someone that I am overwhelmed and cry, but this happened in the case of Babushka. At first there was stillness, then I asked if her husband had passed away in recent years, as I could sense his presence.

These questions have to be asked with the utmost care and respect, as they are very delicate. She confirmed this and told me that she could feel something too but was in disbelief about it. My questions made her curious about what she was feeling.  She also noticed me crying and I explained to her what I was feeling. I described how I could see her husband embracing her with arms that looked like wings of light.

I will never forget the way she looked at me then. We stopped talking then and she allowed herself to receive the healing. Feelings of sadness and happiness alternated throughout the session. The result of this one session was truly amazing. Her eyesight has not deteriorated any further since that time and a back pain that had troubled her for fifty years disappeared with it and has never returned.

The doctors are still in disbelief and call it macular ‘regeneration’. Babushka should have been blind by now but can still see through the same circles she could on the day she came to me for a session.

Excerpt of testimonials: Love is the essence of the Soul Chrysalis.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019


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I'm still so grateful every time someone books a session with me, but as I've written before, I am not the source of the healing. I am a clear channel through which healing passes and facilitate the teamwork between you, your spirit guides, angels or helpers.

I become a conduit for knowing, seeing and sensing. Over the years I had stopped trying to explain myself, then one night Andre woke me up and told me that the time had come to write a book about it. Whatever I am or have, I feel blessed every day with my life purpose. 

I allow the channelling to work through me and nowadays I feel that it is just a part of who I am. You can call the source of the messages angels, spirit guides, deities, mysteries, ancestors, wisdom, love, positive energy, or a gut feeling. 
You can call it anything or nothing. When positive changes occur in someone’s life, it is a reality. It doesn’t matter whatever you want to call it.

As long as you ask for love, support and insight, healing will come your way. Every session is very different and every person reacts differently. The depth of what the person experiences and their reactions are totally dependent on what the reason for the healing session is and for how long it's in their life.


Sunday, 21 April 2019


Image result for teeth falling out of mouth dream

One night I opened my mouth and all my teeth fell out like innocent snowflakes.
Straight away, I opened my hands to catch them but there was nothing there. Whilst falling,
they had melted. I was on my knees with an empty mouth and hands. Just as I felt
like bursting into tears, something inside me told me to stand up and look in the mirror.
I saw my old smile laughing back at me but now filled with tiny new teeth. I cried for joy.

EXCERPT OF PAGE 77: Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis

( For Freud, teeth falling out in dreams point to anxiety and the desire to be nurtured. This disturbing symbol also tends to show up in dreams during important moments of transition in the dreamer’s life.)