‘Pina Lazara. For a start what a wonderful name. It’s hard to put a finger on Pina Lazara. Hard to define or label her. Difficult to describe the work she does and the profound eο¬ect that her work has. Which, in my world at least, are all very, very good signs. ‘ I’ve been to many so-called “healers” in the last number of years and, if the truth be told, few have true healing gifts.
Of those few genuine healers I have encountered, Pina stands alone. Of course we all have the ability to heal or, at least, the potential to do so. Just the same as all of us having the potential to do whatever we so choose. It’s just a matter of tuning in, just like you would a radio. But those “justs” are pretty huge JUSTs. Pina Lazara is tuned in, big time. I imagine she was born tuned in.
‘From the moment I walked into her treatment room I knew this woman was the real deal. And she doesn’t need any certificate, diploma, or degree framed on awall to prove it. As if they ever proved anything. She’s a lady with a huge heart, old wisdom and a great sense of humour. She works with the kind of certainty and easethat can only come from knowing that she is doing exactly what she was born to do.‘Within ten seconds of lying on her treatment table the first day, and with none of the usual crude questions that comes with the aim of sticking a crude diagnostic post-it on one’s condition, she had zoned-in on the point of deep pain in my body that had eluded all others. She knows that she is not the source of the healing. But she also knows that she is an unusually clear channel through which healing passes.
To find a “lightning rod” like Pina is a very rare occurrence.
I can’t tell you how it’s going to be for you if you are privileged enough to visit her. I’m sure Pina doesn’t know what she will do for you until she gets you on the table. Like all those with great talent, she goes with the ο¬ow, in the best sense of that phrase.But, whatever happens, I imagine it will be an experience you won’t forget.
‘So I would say two things. First, if you feel unwell, in any of the infinite ways we humans find to feel unwell, go to a doctor. Second, if conventional medicine does not help, as is so often unfortunately the case, find Pina Lazara.
S.M. CORK IRELAND: Excerpt: Love is the essence of the Soul Chrysalis. Page 163
62 summers young! And 23 years working as a spiritual healer! Still loving every session!
How blessed AM I! Thank you all for still coming to me, and finding your true self, or again!
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You're a grown-up now. Grown-ups don't need approval.
They just need the strength of their convictions.
Scene: Virgin River- Netflix series
Number 77 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the number 7, doubled and amplified.
Angel Number 77 indicates that you are being congratulated and your efforts have been well noted by the angelic and spiritual realms.
You are on the right life path and are living and serving your Divine life purpose as guided.