The valley’s filled with the strangest atmosphere. Many mysteries linger here. Where is TeRinzen? Kyho is struggling to get unto higher grounds. I plummet down to catch her and with great difficulty I just can. With my last strength I swoop unto the Sacred Larix Sibirca. She can just jump next to me on her branch. We are both breathless, but we’ve arrived home safely!
Surrounded by endless tundra and taiga the tree’s strong flexible roots firmly spread out over Mother Earth, vibrating eternal love. The lower mountain range rim together with the sloops of the Mighty Wise Eternal Snowy Summit. Within its midst shines its soul,a dark sparkling lake.
I ruffle my feathers and radiate the orgone imprint of my spirit tribe. I caw loud and my teacher TeRinzen instantly answers. Our high-pitched screeching echoing, even my seven spirit brothers reflect their presence back unto the black tourmaline rock formation.
Excerpt of Only visiting this planet.
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