A summer breeze touching the leaves of the trees, a herd of cows coughing and
the sound of a buzzard’s wings flapping. There are many different ways of connecting
to the Universe. The first time I managed to do this, nothing remarkable happened for a while and then I started to cry.
Then I suddenly felt warmth and a tingling in my spine, followed by a sense of blue, green and gold healing rushing through my legs and grounding me to the floor. An indescribable feeling welled up in my heart, washing away all the old pains and filling my body with a feeling of un-conditional love, happiness and beauty.
That evening I learned that I had until then never been the real me. I had to learn
to let go of the emotions that had been engendered by others and finally start to
live my own life. No better place and time than the here and now. Here, in the wild
west, the only disturbances were my own.
I closed my eyes and the fear welled up again. I asked for guidance and felt the
words, ‘No more time to waste.’ Immediately I felt a sense of protection filling me
on the inside and surrounding my being. The skin of my upper back felt like the
ancient feathers of a grey owl and thousands of little downy feathers grew across my
lower back.
The room was full of white light. Arms of light embraced me firmly yet rocked
me gently. It felt so beautiful that my back and solar plexus opened up and love
streamed right through me. It was as if I was a river merging with the almighty
ocean. It felt as if Love and I were speaking with one another and I wept as I was
filled with blue healing light.
I felt elevated, happy and strong, like a bottle of the finest champagne.
All I wanted from that moment on was to learn to surrender completely to universal wisdom,
because the Universe is my home and Love lives inside of me. ~Excerpt of page 88~
Being nice is not enough, but acting nice is. Trying to live someone else’s life is
impossible. Being in charge of your own life means not being a victim.
Momentum – Impetus!
Purple soul, red spirit, golden body, green heart, our heart lives next to
and opposite our spirit. We are students of our soul, and the journeys are where we
gather knowledge.
Since I learned to understand that I am just a child of the Universe and that I
should live according to Love, life has been easier. Since I started to remember what
I am made of and why I am here, there has been less struggle in my life. This has
been a liberation of my true being. Everything has started to fall into place.
~Excerpt page 89~Love is the Essence of the Soul Chrysalis~
for more info visit homepage. Thank You, Pina
RE-POST May 2018
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