Hi, my name is Pina, welcome to my blog
This is me playing receptionist when I was 4.
Now I'm my own 🌝 for ViaPina.
Never stop imagining, 
no matter which age.


Pina Lazara: CAT-therapeuten nr.: CL3990-10-09-20  

How fun when you find your telephone wire in a heart shape!
I'm "on the job" now for 26 years, and still loving every session!

To book a 1 to 1 session 
or a distance session
whatsapp or email:

1 hour 1 on 1 session without an overview: 80 e
1 hour 1 on 1 session with an overview: 99 e
45 min distance session without an overview: 60e
45 min distance session with an overview: 79e

All appointments by appointments only: 😊

For appointment @de Roos, please bring a towel and come 5 min earlier
before your session so you can wash your hands or use the facilities.

If you want/need to cancel your session I ask you hereby kindly to let me know on time.
When cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, the reserved time will not be charged.

Just as it would be at a doctor, dentist, massage and physio therapy, etc appointment.
I'm a 1 woman self-employed business. Thank you for your understanding, Pina. 

U heeft bij ons een afspraak in de praktijk. Afmelden van uw afspraak dient tenminste 24 uur van te voren te geschieden, anders worden de kosten in rekening gebracht. Deze herinnering is een extra service. Mocht u geen herinnering ontvangen, dan is dat geen reden voor uw afwezigheid op de afspraak. U blijft zelf verantwoordelijk voor uw afspraken. Dank u, Pina
                                         The positive effects of the sessions can approximately
                                 last 1 week, 1 month, a few months, a few years or a life time.
                                    When you feel that the session did you well, come back to
                                                 unravel the next layer of your positive being.
                                           Meet and greet your warrior, your dormant true self, 
                                          The one that is been waiting for so long to show itself!
                                    It will be a joyous day, welcome yourself with tears or a smile.

                                     ~ DON'T BE WORRIER ~ BE A WARRIOR ~ 

     For more information about my work feel free to inquire.  

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